Human Resources

Ephesians 3:16-17a
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. (NIVUK)

The business world sees its resources as money coming into the bank from confirmed orders, repeat business and successful marketing campaigns. And stockholdings are generated on confidence in a company's performance in the future. Of course, the most important resources are quality raw materials, sound intellectual property and good staff. However, Christians have a personal energy, power and confidence that do not rely on the business cycle, or personal development techniques, but depend solely on God.

Paul prays that God will give these resources, freely by His grace, because the Christians can never pay for them, cannot earn them and do not deserve them. Our greatest resource is having Christ resident in the place where we weigh things up and make our decisions (our hearts). Knowing how to deal rightly and wisely will inevitably help us to grow in confidence. And understanding the situation from God's point of view will enable courageous decision-making and leadership.

Paul is inspired to place the empowerment of the Father together with the work of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Christ (Romans 8:9). Each Person of the Godhead is involved in the life of the believer (John 14:23). The Father's resources generously given; the internal activity of the Holy Spirit in the heart and mind of the believer; and the indwelling presence of the Lord Jesus Christ – all of God is at work so that we may want to please God and have the ability to do it (Philippians 2:13). Make no mistake, the Christian is a person with Christ in(side) them. What a privilege that God should even want to live in us; and even more that He does. With that comes a great responsibility of working with Him and not living to please ourselves (Romans 15:1-4).

Praying for fellow believers should be second-nature for the Christian. This is not just a religious rite to be done in church but also a fellowship activity in the workplace as well. Praying together with others is also a powerful antidote to complaining over coffee. Those who believe that God has power and answers prayer will meet regularly to do so. Some prayer groups, requesting a meeting room, have told their bosses that they want to pray for them, and the business! Some Word@Work readers have already done that. Do let us know if you have too!

Dear Lord, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Thank You that You are at work within me. Forgive me when I have failed to pray for my spiritual brothers and sisters; also for my bosses, employees and colleagues at work. I know that You can act powerfully when Christians pray: please help me to take this responsibility seriously. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams