Equipped by God

Ephesians 4:7
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. (NIVUK)

As we progress at work, we sit examinations to prove our knowledge-base, and go on courses to increase our skill-base. In theory, we could all be CEO, if there were enough jobs. But there are other limitations too. Nobody has the natural ability to fill every role, even if coached. The reality is that however much we may desire promotion, and the salary which accompanies it, we are at our best when the demands of the job are matched by our attitude, aptitude and ability. The skill of management is to find those attributes in each member of a team and put them to work in a creative mix of colleagues.

But the people of God operate somewhat differently. That is not to say that competence and efficiency should be outlawed in the church (although some Christians appear to think that is a virtue!). Natural talents may be of use to God, but that is up to Him (Philippians 3:4-7). He has little use for excellence done in the flesh which pleases us or brings glory to ourselves. In fact, the Lord often uses people who think that they are nothing and have little to offer (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). He uses people like that because they trust Him and not themselves. They may be out of their own comfort zone, but they are strengthened knowing that they are serving their Heavenly Father who loves them and helps them in whatever He commands them to do. The real work of the body of Christ relies on supernatural skills that come from Him to achieve supernatural objectives, which will then glorify Him.

None of us can come to know God except through the grace of Christ (Romans 5:17). None of us can serve Him except we use the spiritual gifts which He chooses to give to His people – different gifts to different people according to His choice (Romans 12:3-8). None of these are earned or deserved, they are all gifts of grace. Neither are they intended to bring honour and praise to believers, but to the Lord alone. They are given so that we may serve the Lord by serving the needs of others in the Body of Christ (1 Peter 4:10) with the wisdom and power of Christ. Each ability to serve Him has been specially selected by God: 1 Corinthians 12:11 says, "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."

Do not think that important gifts are given to important people. No. He gives just the right gift to the person who He can trust to use it in the right way. Spiritual gifts are not toys to show off with, but tools designed to achieve God's objectives. They are not a substitute for hard work: indeed the person God entrusts with a gift will put his or her heart and soul into using it well (Colossians 1:29). Because it is not easy to properly assess oneself, Christian leadership and the local fellowship of believers provide a great opportunity to identify the gifts we have each been given, and to encourage each other in using them to God's glory. And that is not just in the church - but in the home, community and workplace too. The Lord wants to entrust You to work for Him where you earn your money, study, or volunteer; and He will give you the ability to work with Him there, so the people will be drawn to Jesus and be built up in Him.

Dear Lord. Thank You for entrusting me with gifts by Your grace. Forgive me for wanting to draw attention to myself through the gifts You have given to serve others and glorify You. Help me to use what You have given to me for Your glory - and help me to encourage my Christian colleagues at work to use their gifts too. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams