Motivation And Purpose

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (NIVUK)

Every day there is so much to do.  Many demands are made of us at home and at work.  Our friends and relatives may feel they have the right to invade or even control our day.  Our employers may have no other objective than getting the job done well and demand total commitment.  But those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ have another and more significant purpose.
‘Whatever’ is an all-encompassing global word which includes everything and excludes nothing.  Whatever we do or say,  and wherever we are, we are accountable to Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:36).  That is because He has bought us with His blood (Acts 20:28) and so we belong to Him.  We are His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20), His representatives in the world, the people who demonstrate the life of Christ.  He is our ultimate Master.

Therefore, Paul says that whatever we do, we should be doing it on behalf of Jesus Christ, to please Him and to bring Him glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).  If He lives in us, then His love should motivate us; and His gospel should be attractively compelling to those who see how we have been changed.  Also, each Christian should be eager to give thanks; not claiming the credit for a godly lifestyle, but giving God the glory.  That will be the theme of heaven (Revelation 4:9) and needs to be our purpose on earth.
It is rare to find thankful people who serve sacrificially all the time, especially in times of difficulty.  Yet the Apostles and Early Church knew that Jesus could never be defeated.  They were confident that He would give them strength and power, courage and wisdom in all circumstances.  The Western habit of dividing life into sacred and secular is not Biblical.  Christ's people should express His character in every ordinary word and action.  His people live changed lives: replacing complaints and gossip with thanksgiving and praise.  No wonder that in the early days of the Church many people were attracted to the gospel by the lives of the believers (Acts 17:12).  Is that still true in your church, family and workplace today?  If not, it is time to make the Lord Jesus the reason for living and the motivation for every action.  If people thank and praise Him for your life, you have lived it well (2 Corinthians 9:13).

Dear Lord. Thank You for this reminder that I belong to You. I am sorry for the times when I forget that I do not belong to myself because You are my ultimate Master. Please forgive me for failing to see the importance of my lifestyle which should be a witness to Your life in me. Please help me to choose how to live with Christ-like motivation and purpose. And help me to be thankful for all that Christ has done, and continues to do in me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams