Paul had arrived in Rome. The journey by ship from Caesarea had taken the best part of five months including a shipwreck and three months in Malta. All the way he had a military escort because Paul had appealed to Caesar's court (Acts 25:10-12), as the Governors in Caesarea were unwilling to resolve the accusations of the religious leaders in Jerusalem and what is now Turkey against the apostle (Acts 25:27). Yet those accusations relating to Jesus, his resurrection and deity, were at the centre of Paul's commission to preach the gospel (Acts 26:6-8).
Paul was under house arrest in Rome, chained to a soldier, but otherwise free to invite whoever he chose to visit him. So, he called the local Jewish leaders to his house to explain why he was there. He did not want to accuse his opponents under Roman law, because he loved them and wanted them to be saved. Of course, he wanted to be free to get on with his ministry, but Paul's priority was to declare Jesus as the Messiah – so that all the Jews would receive Him as their Saviour. His chain was a reminder that he was bound to that task.
Note that Paul called these men his 'brothers'. He had no desire to separate from Israel, rather that all Israel might welcome Jesus. He did not want to bring a legal counter-challenge against his accusers because Jesus Christ is the hope of all Israel, the Saviour they had all been waiting for. So, Paul was willing to endure his chains, and risk opening up all the old wounds by which the Jews had felt insulted as he preached Christ - in order that they might be healed through receiving His grace.
What is your reason for being where you are? Apart from family ties, work and friends, the Lord has called you to present Jesus Christ as His answer for a broken world. That may not always be comfortable; but if you belong to Him, you are the beacon light for all around to see (Matthew 5:14-16). When people do not like you speaking about Jesus, do not retreat into a corner, but speak to more people. The gospel message is the only story which has the power to change the world (Romans 1:16), and it is in your heart. Open your mouth and share it (Romans 10:8-9)!