New Churches, New Leaders

Acts 14:23-25
Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. After going through Pisidia, they came into Pamphylia, and when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia. (NIVUK)

Paul's first missionary journey started with Barnabas taking the lead and 'showing him the ropes' in Cyprus: it ended with Paul leading the team, and through his powerful preaching many were saved. Despite experiencing opposition and almost being stoned to death, Paul and Barnabas went back to those cities to encourage the new believers, disciple them and establish churches.

The missionaries could not stay in every city to supervise the churches, so they appointed elders. There was no time for lengthy theological preparation so we assume they chose men who understood the Old Testament Scriptures and had the right character qualifications (Titus 1:6-9). They may well have been leading lights in the synagogue previously but when they understood the gospel, their hearts were filled with the Holy Spirit of truth (Ephesians 1:13).

The appointment of elders was not random. The apostles fasted and prayed to know whom God had chosen for the task of leading the churches. Then they commissioned them publically, committing them to the Lord and committing the church into their care as under-shepherds (1 Peter 5:2). Having given those elders the responsibility, under God, for the churches, the apostles travelled south-west to the port of Attalia on the coast. As they passed through other towns on the way, they continued to preach the gospel.

Gospel growth involves 'presence' (you have to be in a place where there are people who do not know Jesus), 'proclamation' (you have to tell them who Jesus is, what He has done and how to come to repentance and faith), and 'persuasion' (it is right to give the reasons why you believe and be prepared to counter arguments against Jesus). The Holy Spirit uses what we say to speak to people, convince them of their sin and of Christ's effective sacrifice. New believers are like new-born infants – they need encouragement and training in how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. To form a church the right leaders need to be appointed to guide and guard the flock. So, if you want to see God's Kingdom come, then pray that the Lord will draw all these pieces of the jigsaw together so that a living church can be planted or re-planted. And be willing to be involved.

Lord of the church. Thank You for Your family who are 'all one in Christ Jesus'. Forgive me for assuming that churches just happen and forget that many people need to work with You to create a viable local church. Please help me to pray where I see strategic needs, and to be willing to be a part of what You are doing where I live and work. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams