Grace Multiplied

2 Timothy 2:1-2
You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. (NIV)

Timothy had a hard job. Appointed by Paul and inspired by the Holy Spirit, Timothy taught the truth about Jesus publically and to the church which needed to be prepared for greater persecution. It was vital that the young man stayed strong. If he looked to his own inner resources, he would fail: but if he kept on trusting the Lord Jesus, he would receive enough strength for every circumstance. Other believers would look to Timothy, so his own faith was the example for the church.
But others could not simply copy the way Timothy lived. They needed a personal faith in Jesus, believing the gospel truth which Paul had taught in Ephesus, and be personally inspired by the Holy Spirit. Paul was at the end of his life so he reminded Timothy to select reliable people, who had the desire and ability to teach, and carefully explain all that the Apostle Paul had taught him … so that they could teach others.
The church is only one generation away from extinction. In order for the gospel to reach the next generation with freshness and divine power it must be preached by people who know it, love it and live it. Accurate Bible teaching is still one of the greatest tasks for the church, encouraging believers to keep receiving the grace of Christ, and sharing it with others. That is God’s way of multiplying His grace to more and more people. It is like passing on the baton in a running relay race. So who are you telling? Spiritual leaders must primarily concern themselves with teaching God's truth. So too must believing parents; they have a great responsibility to teach their children. Hold fast to the truth about Jesus, do not waver, and pass it on to others.

God of grace. Thank You for pouring out Your love into my heart. Thank You for those who first told me the Good News and for those who have faithfully taught me the Scriptures. I am sorry for the times when I forget my responsibility to pass on the truth about Jesus. Please help me to see the critical importance of sharing the gospel, and nurturing other believers in Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams