Masks were an established part of the ancient Greek theatre, allowing the same actor to play multiple roles by quickly changing their facemask. So, the word 'masquerade' means to adopt a different character. Paul saw the false teachers as actors who were evil but pretending to be good. However, unlike in the theatre where everybody knows the actors are only playing a character, false apostles appear to be genuine even though they did not love Jesus. That is why they were dangerous.
Much of this letter explains why the 'super apostles' (2 Corinthians 11:5), who derided Paul (the true apostle), should not be allowed to wreck the church and pull believers away from Christ. Paul said that their teaching was lies because they were servants of Satan (John 8:44). In their lust for personal power they unwittingly cooperated with the devil in his evil desire to stop the true gospel being proclaimed - by pretending that they could offer something better.
Paul implied that the demonically innocent masks did not fool God. He would judge them for what they did and for the anti-gospel lies they told, on the final day (Romans 2:16). But it was important to unmask them before that time, to prevent heresy being accepted as truth, believers being led astray and unbelievers being obstructed from coming to Christ. Paul could not passively remain an observer: like a protective parent he had to warn the fledgling believers of the evil which could destroy the flock. Jesus gave those warnings (Matthew 12:38-40); so must his apostles and all true gospel teachers.
In an age where it is politically convenient for all religions and philosophies to be equally valid, Jesus still says, "Watch out that no one deceives you" (Matthew 13:5). It is one of the hardest tasks for a parent, teacher, evangelist or pastor to identify teaching and ideology which is condemned by the apostles, goes against the teachings of Jesus, and will injure the conscience of the believer and the destiny of the unbeliever. Passivity is no answer to heresy. We must actively proclaim the truth to expose the lies of Satan, however delightfully those lies are masked, to protect the spiritually vulnerable and rescue the spiritually lost. Although we must contest their deceit, we must certainly love those who are deceived - because Christ loves them and died for them (John 3:16). But we cannot tolerate false teaching in the church because Christ does not (Revelation 2:18-23). Dare to love the sinner, affirm the truth and deny the lie; for Christ’s sake.