Compelling Faith

2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (NIVUK)

All our behaviour, good or bad, is based on a belief of some sort - even though some behaviour becomes a habit and we forget why. It may be a family tradition or parental example which we believe is right, or activity which we think will bring us benefit . But when we hear the Lord's voice in the Scriptures, we can be certain that what He says is only true and good (Psalm 33:4), and that our obedience will bring His blessing because He loves us (Ecclesiastes 2:26). So how can we be certain that He loves us? Chiefly because He chose to become our substitute (1 John 4:9), accepting the punishment for all the wrong we have ever done (and will do), so that we can be accepted and welcomed into His family.

True love is compelling. It motivates us to give and to serve; like a mother's love, it is self-sacrificial. With time, loved children grow up to repay their parents, laying aside their own interests for the sake of those who have loved them. Of course, it is different with the Lord Jesus. He never grows old and we have no need to care for Him; but as our love for Him grows, we will want to do whatever we can to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:9). And we know what pleases Him because He has written it in the Bible. Nothing He commands is too little to ignore or too great to do (1 John 5:3).

His love for us, in laying down His life, should therefore motivate us to sacrifice our self-centredness - expending our lives for others. At times it will be emotionally hard, financially costly, spiritually demanding, physically tiring and utterly draining to love others for Christ's sake (2 Corinthians 11:23-29). But if that is too much for us, it is really because we value His love so little. Faith, which compels us to action, starts when we cherish what Jesus has done for us on the cross. It starts when we see all our sins, which should condemn us to an eternity in hell, all laid onto Jesus (Isaiah 53:6). That is why He has commanded us to remember Him as we break bread and drink wine together (1 Corinthians 11:24-25). But it is deeper than a communion service.

Every time we are aware of fresh rebellion in our heart, new violations of His law, we have only one place to go – the cross of Jesus. Strangely, even more than through His gifts and answers to prayer, His love is felt most deeply as we repent and receive forgiveness,. Do not short-circuit that meditation, never cease to wonder at His saving grace and restoring power. Then His love will flow through you to others and back to Him as you worship Him in obedient service (1 John 3:16). If this is unusual for you: stop, thank Him for the cross, repent of your sins, receive His cleansing and thank Him for loving you so much … then ask Him how you can best obey Him today … and do it.

Loving God. Thank You for the love Christ had for me as He died for my sins. Forgive me for the times when my heart has been hard and unwilling to love and serve others. Please help me to meditate on the cross of Christ and all His love for me; show me how much You love me and please motivate me to love others for Your sake. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams