None of us knows everything. In fact, we all know very little compared to what could be known. So we have to rely on others to inform us. But who do you believe? Usually, we believe the word of somebody we know and trust (parent, sibling, or friend); otherwise we will believe the person who has the highest authority over us. The former relationship is governed by love and the second, often by fear.
Because of our ignorance, we have to trust somebody. We get used to believing what people say. Life in any civilisation would be impossible if we did not. So, when it comes to information about the identity of Jesus, who is in the best position to tell us the truth – somebody who does not know Him or the person who knows Him best? Logically the person who knows Him best must be the best authority … so why believe false teachers who defy the testimony of God the Son and God the Father?
To deny the deity of Christ is to call God a liar because He said that Jesus was His beloved Son (Matthew 3:17; 17:5). But all those who believe in Jesus already know the truth. They know because they believe what God has said from His position of authority; and they know because of the closeness of their relationship with Him. And that can never be taken away from them.
The Bible says that eternal life only comes to people who believe in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. John, a close friend of Jesus, affirmed that to be true. A common characteristic about false teachers is that they all deny Jesus the place of being the unique life-giver. They are a part of Satan's deception network; they do not want anybody to be saved and have new life in Jesus for ever. That is why we who have that life must share the truth about the identity of Jesus with friends and colleagues … otherwise they will be unable to see who Jesus is because of the smoke screen of lies from people whose only interest is to stop them seeking the Saviour.