Loved and Ignored

1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (NIVUK)

True Christians lived at the junction of two realities. They are, at the same time, passionately loved by God and considered irrelevant by the world. The love of God comes with an intense awareness of being known by our Creator, Redeemer, Saviour and Friend. The world has no interest in us except to mock and ridicule the children of God.

Nobody likes to be ignored or laughed at: naturally we all seek acceptance and we hate rejection. And that is how the world seeks to prise us away from our Lord. The more they reject us, the more we crave worldly affirmation and will go outside the safety of our spiritual home to secure it. The world will oblige, “Throw away your trust in Jesus and you can have whatever the world offers”. It is a lie, of course, but attractive enough to seduce millions of un-discipled believers.

By contrast, see the extent of Father God's love. He has poured so much love upon each child of His. That love has taken God the Son from heaven to earth, from life to death … so that we might be forgiven, accepted by God, appointed as children of the King, given eternal life, filled with the Holy Spirit, welcomed into His family, given a purpose in life and a hope in death … and all the time knowing that every divine command comes to build us up in love, every circumstance is filled with love and all the time we are bathed in His love. We are the children of God when we receive His love in Christ Jesus (1 John 3:16).

Many seek love outside of God's plan and are disappointed. Those who revel in His love are satisfied because He will always give just what is right and necessary to every one of His children: not to indulge the child but to equip the child to relate and work well in God's family. Do not be disturbed if the world discounts you; God loves you. Do not get lured by lies of being accepted, because your Heavenly Father already accepts you. Rejoice in your privileged position and trust Him to keep on providing everything you need according to His love and infinite resources (Ephesians 3:20).

Loving God. Thank You for loving me personally and for sending Jesus Christ to be punished instead of me – so that I can be forgiven and accepted by You for ever. Forgive me for believing the world's lies that the best of love lies elsewhere. Please help me to stop and consider how much You love me, and may Your love satisfy me so that I will be confident despite the world's disdain. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams